This Blog Post is About Writing This Blog Post
I told myself I had to write a blog post, high priority, before I could proceed with a new, different list of priorities. To help me work through big projects like updating Etsy shops that are long overdue for some love or a website that needs to reflect the work I do now, I use a white binder, my Project Notebook.

A page is dedicated to each project with lists of tasks that make up the whole, overall goal of making the shop, website, Patreon, reflect my vision for each of them. And also a few other lists and general creative brainstorming on some other pages. To help manage all the projects and tasks, I then choose three to five specific things that are the highest priority, write them on another sheet with checkboxes next to them to mark off my work as soon as it's done. I probably already talked about this in my previous post, but that was months ago. Anyway, my current priorities list has three of the four things checked off. Writing a blog post is the final thing, and I've been putting it off. Which is why I made it a priority. And yet I still put it off.
Last week I was thinking about it: why couldn't I get myself to do it? I have no problem with writing. I have projects and other subject matter I could write about. Why couldn't I do it? And then I wondered if maybe it was because I told myself I had to write about something specific. Was my past self dictating what present self had to write about? And then I realized how silly that was. No one is making me write. I'm the one telling me I have to write because I said I would. It says there, on my Patreon page, that I will try to write a blog post every week. And who's the one who posted that on there? Me. No one has ever asked me why there haven't been weekly blog posts. Just me. So why should I make such a big deal about it? I do want to get back to blogging. I liked it and I'm proud of the work I would do especially those posts with pictures.

And I also like it when other people read it and show support. Because honestly, I'm insecure a lot of the time. I don't interact with other people enough. I get lonely often and feel out of touch with the outside world. I question what I'm doing all the time. Am I wasting my time? Should I get a real job someday? What should I do with myself? My son is nearly old enough to do okay on his own for part of the day. Not yet. But soon enough. I honestly don't know what to do. Some days I'm all excited and happy to do my creative work. Some days I'm full of guilt that I'm not contributing money for my family to live. Yes, I know I contribute in other important ways. We get by, but there's so much debt that piled on after we moved into this house four years ago. And some days the depression sits really heavy and I can't do anything other than being a lump. But I'm working on being okay with that. I'm working on asking myself what I need to do, what's the best course of action for me in this moment? And right now, I'm just writing out the words that come to me right now.
Writing about my past projects is boring. I've moved on and want to keep working on whatever I feel like at this time. So, yes, past me, I will post links to my YouTube channel and RedBubble shop and some of the more recent listings on my Crafty Adventurer shop which is completely up-to-date now (see below). I'm not going to go into detail about each post. You can go look around on your own. If you follow me elsewhere, you've probably already seen or know about all the new things. I have done one or two patrons-only videos for my Patreon account.
And, see, now that I've started writing about these things and self-promoting, I've run out of steam. I've got to keep myself interested or else I won't want to do what I say I want to do.
My point is, stay as flexible with yourself as possible. If you limit yourself and you find it's keeping you from doing what you want to do, what you want to work on, remove the restrictions. If you're not moving forward because of you, it's okay to swerve a bit, go around the blockage, do it a different way. It's fine. You're the one who set it up. Change the rules.
The links!
My YouTube channel, coincidentally called Craft Adventures Studio. Recent videos include backyard pond and garden vlogs and an art journal process video (Arting in a Book #1). Give me a follow if you want to keep up with new uploads. I do plan to make more (that's one of the other lists in the Project Binder).
My RedBubble shop, called Craft Adventures. You can buy doodly watercolor art vinyl stickers and a few little prints and cards. Recent uploads include moose art, a gold-eating leprechaun, and an inspirational snail. You'll get there.
Some Crafty Adventurer art journals, lots of new additions. Just go to the shop and look around. I don't feel like posting links for the individual listings. I've worn myself out.
And, my Patreon page, where you can learn about what I do and maybe consider becoming a patron (for as little as $1 a month!). Most of the money goes to me which I then spend on art and craft supplies. Patreon does take a cut. Have a look around. This is one of my projects that will get a bit of an overhaul one of these days. Mostly just the incoherent description of my work.