Fiber Artist
Buttons for Dicebags:
February 1, 2021:
An idea came to me and I tried to ignore it. It seemed like too much work, too silly, not worth the effort. But that idea stuck around. So I listened. Eventually. What if, to add a little more interest, to get them to stand apart from others, I made buttons, pins to go with my dicebags? Inspired by the names I gave them, draw out a little doodle and upload to RedBubble. They started offering buttons. And then I could use that image on stickers and other things too. It didn't just have to be for the dicebags. I got squirmy and resistant about it. Made myself sit down and just do it and they were so dumb, not very good no I couldn't do it. But then I drew the rest. And inked and colored them. And my husband scanned them. And I learned how to isolate images in GIMP. And then uploaded them to RedBubble. And then discovered some features on RedBubble that made it possible to put some of those doodles on other items, as a repeating pattern.

And then my mind exploded. Whoa! Look what I did! And then I ordered the buttons and holy schnikes! They look amazing! And they bring another level to the dicebags. It was what I envisioned. And combine the pins with coordinating sets of dice, oh man! This was probably my greatest Craft Adventure of 2020. It opened new doors for ways to share and showcase my arts. Even the kind of stupid silly ones that really I love the most. I mean, Sparkle Troll . . . my son got a mug with Sparkle Troll. So, my energies for RedBubble have been renewed. Or maybe Society6? Maybe I'll open another shop elsewhere that's like RedBubble.
Dicebag Pattern:
Update - September 15, 2021:
Testers have tested the pattern. Issues have been addressed. It's typed up. Maybe a few edits left to do. Mostly need to add photos and work on formatting, but it's almost there. Soon!

February 1, 2021:
It dawned on me that my only knitting pattern is ten years old. I could probably offer up something new at this point. And also do a little updating to that old Pinecone Hat listing. Add an errata. Anyway, messing around with my dicebag concept, adding value to it as a listing with the buttons and dice, some people may think, why spend that much money on something when I could make it myself for much cheaper? I would. So I've started the process of writing the dicebag pattern down. It will take some time because I haven't made one for a few months and have had to rediscover how exactly I do it, writing the steps as I go. And making note of tips or thoughts or further clarifying trickier bits. Once I complete the steps and type it up, I'll have to get one or two people to test knit it. I want to make sure it's understandable to more people than just me. Plus, it's just good designing. I will offer this as a digital download in the Etsy shop, like the Pinecone Hat.