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It's Been a While

Here I am after the holidays, recovering mentally and eager to start my own projects again. The other day I was even struck with the urge to write a blog post after months of not. We've had snow days so no school and delayed starts, a longer break due to weather and snow. With the craft show preparations, I didn't have the chance or time to start working on new things or fix up other things that need changing. Life has been weird and enlightening and I'm doing better now that I know and understand some important things and this is allowing me to feel freer, more free to focus on and work towards these things for me. But right now I'm having trouble starting and now that I have some time to myself, not spent serving others, I want to get going on these but it's hard. I've lost that sense of self which often happens this time of year. I want to regain myself more quickly than I have in the past. Last year, it took me at least a month to recover from the winter break. It hasn't even been a week and I am so ready to continue my creative pursuits. Since my last blog post which was something like June last year, before summer, I opened the RedBubble shop Craft Adventures and am now selling mostly vinyl stickers. I have a few more arts to add that could make good prints or greeting cards. I'll have to upload them before determining what exactly they will be. I like the concept of RedBubble and the upkeep and uploading and new listing process is way easier and faster than Etsy, once you have the arts scanned which I've made my husband do. He's the one with the scanner and graphic manipulation software and also offered to do it for me.

It's a new year and I'm ready to see what creative ventures I fall into. I'd like to change up this website now that I've had it a couple years and have a better idea of what I post and how I use it. My Etsy shops need some love, as usual. I want to add new items more often than once a year. I've gotten back into knitting occasionally so there are more Anchovy Knits things and I've had several other craft art journals that I can post in Crafty Adventurer. My hope is to get to the point where I'm putting more time into these outlets, potential money-makers to help fund my creative habits (and board game obsession). I just want to make things and maybe have people buy some of them sometimes so the things I make have homes other than piling up in my craft room and will get looked at or used or both. I make a lot and can't give everything my attention and love all the time forever. Now that I have some life stuff sorted out and understood, I want to get my work life that I'm creating sorted out, even just a little.

I typed all this on my typewriter and then typed it on the computer to post and just brain dump thoughts out and wanting to let you know, my readers, that I'm not quite dead and that I'm getting better and that I have plans for the year and eager to start. Also: D&D. I want to do more of that. More than that one time and the one other time last year. I'm working on it and I'm working on all the other things. Well, no, not yet, but I want to, and one of these days I will sit down and sort through the ideas and big projects and break them down into smaller, manageable pieces.

And Patreon. I have dropped the ball on that. It's on the list of Needs Love and Attention, like this website and the Etsy shops.

There's so much!

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