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Post-Productive Week Fallout

What do I want to talk about? I'm having kind of a hard week. Nothing really bad has happened. This is what happens right after I've had a good, extremely productive period. (And I am fighting off germies because everyone everywhere is sick.) This is the fallout and it's annoying but just how things work in my world these days. I don't really want to go into detail about mental health issues, though, because it will drag me down more than is necessary. No need to worry, though. Most likely I'll feel better next week.

So what sorts of creaitve things have I done this week? I added a couple things to my to-be-blocked pile of knitted things, a scarf and pair of mitts. The e-course I signed up for started this week, Kelly Rae Robert's Spirit Wings. While I've watched, read, and listened through this week's material, I have yet to do the exercises, the written work that's meant to dredge up the words you'll use in your painting. My brain has been buried in fog and haven't had a good, quiet time to sit down and have a think and write the words out in my journal. I took her mixed media mantra class last year and it was mostly magical for me so I'm hoping to have that experience at least somewhat re-created for me.

Week of Oct. 5, 2015

My goal for the next week is to finally start doing some stuff, acting on the things I want to do. I got all these things set up--Patreon, website, social media--with the intent to use them to share my work. Yes, I made stuff, but it's all been as part of those projects. I want to start doing things for the fun of it.

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