Active Quest: Craft Garden
June 15, 2015: Yes, I'm overdue for adding new photos. Now that I'm looking at the ones here, yes, I definitely need newer ones. It is greener now. This update, though, is to show a video I took of a wren (I think?) making a nest in the trailer bird house that I have failed to hang up in a safe location. Too late to move it? I don't know. See the video! It's neat!
February 17, 2015: Hey, look at that! I actually uploaded my garden photos! These were taken yesterday (a very nice day in mid-February). Over the weekend I finished pulling weeds and spread mulch with some help from Husband. This is outside my craft studio so I think of it as my craft garden. The patio needs sweeping but you can see it well enough, that’s the patio I made last summer. Last year this was all weedy wasteland. I’m kind of proud of it, now that I think about it, where it was just a year ago. Yay! I made it pretty!
February 15, 2015: Today I worked in my craft garden. Pulling out weeds and dumping mulch carted from the pile in our driveway that used to be our sweet gum tree (the pile, not the driveway). Bulbs I planted late are coming up and blooming into daffodils. Some plants I planted last year are showing hints of green. And the patio I made myself has held up over the nonexistent winter. I may post pictures in the near future to show my work.